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Five steps for a great website.

Updated: Aug 8, 2020

Think of your website being similar to constructing a new house.

Certainly not from a cost perspective, more from a planning and architectural aspect. At MAASAI agency we always believe content should be easily affordable and adaptable. Let's start with the foundations... make a list as your read, by the end you will have over 50% of your business prescription scoped out.

Is the domain name (URL) available? How will online traffic find and remember you? What is it you want it to do, e.g. do you only need a simple one page website, merely to exist and give your business credibility? (We don't recommend this, read on to learn why). Maybe you are looking for a website with multiple areas and add on extensions? 

If you don't know, don't worry, your designer or account manager can advise you and after reading this you will also have your draft website prescription... so let's read on.

  1. Do you have a brand and identity (what does that mean), a logo and a colour palette, what is your brands suite of colours? Ideally choose up to a max of 5 colours. When these colours are incorporated across online and offline collateral people will instantly recognise you. Think of Coca Cola = Red /White, Dynorod (Day Glow Orange) etc... it works, so don't skip this! In the URL area, websites feature Favicons, a little tiny logo situated next to your URL. This can be an abbreviated part of your main logo due to size and space restraints. Ask your designer to think about this and include them with your logo designs.

  2. What's your tone of voice... the way your copy reads, is it street sounding, is it corporate, is it warm and friendly, not too boastful perhaps? Have a think on this and add your preference to your list.

  3. What will your website do? Your website is your shop window. It should be recognisable, attractive and regularly refreshed!! No one wants to see old style and more importantly Google will mark you down for not adding new content, therefore you will find it harder to climb Google's rankings. But more than that, it's a base where you can entertain people and inform people. You can measure your guests attendance, promote popular content and build a client data base from it.

  4. How will your website look? Should it look Corporate, Salesy, Artistic, Fashionable? Does it reflect your logo & palette of colours (your identity)? Does it do your brand justice and say enough about you? Be careful on adding text, choose the the right words, remember people are time poor and want fast information.

  5. Does it have e-commerce functionality such as a basket and check-out? Will it have a blog, Google likes this for back-link requirements. Are there social feeds plugging in to it? How will you gather and build data so you can market people in the future? Think about incorporating a newsletter email register for people to add their email, then don't forget to create regular newsletters! Your website traffic will undoubtedly grow then you will soon find you are converting your website visitors into paying customers or clients.

So here's just five steps, there are many more, choosing the right Imagery, Printed collateral, Social media advertising and of course ensuring that your website and ALL content is SEO compliant. As well as this, you will need to produce and manage assets on a regular basis and build a plan to target your audience, the list continues... but the good news is, you don't have to spend big bucks because at MAASAI, we think differently!

MAASAI use a smarter way of working, our ethos is that all content should be worthy of being in a gallery but at the same time be easily affordable in which it can be updated therefore keeping up with today's fast paced competitive and attention demanding world. MAASAI have years of experience and are looking to grow your brand adding YOU to the successful client list. 

Now you have a better understanding, a framework and prescription for your website then no doubt you're jumping for joy, so get in touch today to learn more.

We offer a FREE consultation service, tell us what you are trying to do and ideally where you want to go with your business and we will happily guide you making sure you have everything for your journey, no obligation... FREE!


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